Thursday, June 25, 2015


Let's be real for a minute here. We all need goals in life right? Something we work for and attain and reward ourselves with? Yea, we sure do. I've been thinking a lot about my goals through this life change.  So here they are in order in which I hope to attain them. And one that was an unplanned, unintended, but awesome consequence of my life change choices.

1. To fit into my wedding ring again. I got to fat to wear it about 6 months or so ago.  I figure I need to get back down into the 280's for it to fit again.
Reward: Getting to wear that beautiful piece of jewelry again. It means a lot to me as a symbol of my commitment to Mark.

2. To be able to fit in my size 22 clothes again.  I've ballooned up to size 26 in the past year.
Reward: Have a better choice of clothes to wear.

I haven't picked any mid range goals yet, I figure they'll present themselves to me as I achieve #1 and #2

3. To be able to fit in the rides at Six Flags
Reward: Trip to Six Flags over Arlington. My pal Meredith said she was game for making a trip out of it!

4. To be a size 12 or less.  I want to be able to walk into a normal clothing store and buy something off the rack.

That's where I'm at right now.  I know all of these goals are completely within reach.

Now for the unplanned goal I'm not even going to number it because it's happening every single day! I've grown closer to God.  Every day I have a moment of weakness where I want that diet coke, or I want that slice of chocolate mousse pie. I stop, I pray. I ask God to help me remember that He's all I need. I ask that he give me peace and take the urge away. And you know what? He does. Every. Single. Time. Without fail. How amazing is this God I love?

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


I'm almost two weeks into this new life.  There are some major realizations I've come to.

1. Cheating, while it's okay once in a while and sounds awesome and even tastes great. The aftermath, is not worth it. I had my first cheat meal on 6/15 and spent the whole rest of the night miserable. Don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon.

2.  I now crave water.  First thing I want when I get up in the morning is water.  Who'd have thunk?

3. I'm no longer craving sweets.  Last week I took Round Rock Donuts to my team at the Domain, at their request, and the smell of those things in the car made me nauseous. 

4. Baked chicken sorta sucks, I need to find better things to do with it. 

5. I actually want to exercise. If you'd told me a few weeks ago that having a fitbit would be motivating I would have laughed at you. But truly, hitting that step goal each day is fulfilling.

6. Changing habits is hard.  It's so easy to run to food for comfort and convenience. Now, instead, each time I have those moments of weakness, I stop, I make myself still. I pray.  It tunes me back into my Heavenly Father and keeps me on track and at peace.  

This is real y'all. I can do this. I will do this. My temple will be made whole again through the grace of God.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Day 1 vs Day 6

So with this plan, you're supposed to take a picture on the morning of Day 1 and then again on the morning of Day 6.

So here you go:

To say I'm stunned by the difference doesn't even begin to describe it. I swear I'm not sucking in or doing anything aside from just standing there.

God truly is good, all the time. Period.

Starting Weight: 314
Current Weight 307

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Say what?

So I had to go to urgent care because I thought I broke my toe. While I was there the curiosity got the better of me. So...I weighed myself. In less than four days I'm down seven pounds already. Say what???  I'm so excited! 

Also, I should share that the hubby has been great of late. He's been very supportive of my life change and just being nice in general. I'm so grateful.

God truly is good in all things.

Oh and my toe isn't broken just very sprained.

Friday, June 12, 2015


Well, I'm full swing into day 3 of my new life.

So far the hardest parts are waiting until 10am to eat breakfast, drinking 150oz of water and the frequent bathroom trips that causes and having to eat all meals/snacks in an 8 hour window.

So far the plan has been easy to follow and I feel really good.

I've also been doing a daily challenge with my friend Stephanie on my fitbit.  That's kept me motivated. I've also been getting daily cheerleading from my friend Renee. Which is  awesome.

I'll be frank though, last night was a struggle. It wasn't at all that I was hungry, because I wasn't.  I was craving something sweet.  I really badly wanted to go get some frozen custard. I talked myself out of it and I prayed that it would pass.  It did and instead I got out of bed and walked around my house until I hit my step goal for the day. Then I went back to bed.

I think I really need an exercise buddy.  I did my 20 minutes of cardio on Wednesday and I'll do 20 minutes tonight after work too.

Sleep has been elusive the last two nights and I'm not quite sure why. Here's hoping that my body adjusts sooner rather than later.

I can do this!  Praise God for giving me motivation, determination and will power.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Today is the Day

This is it.

Today I will drink 150 oz of water.
Today I will eat 3 very balanced meals and 2 snacks within an 8 hour period.
Today I will exercise for 30 minutes.

This morning I sat on the couch in the dark living room and prayed to God that from this day on I will seek him for comfort instead of eating. I prayed that I would be able to restore my body, His temple, to a fit and healthy state.

Here goes something big.

Weight: 314

Monday, June 8, 2015

The journey begins

On Wednesday this week I will begin a new eating and exercise plan. I'm not going to share yet what it is because I want to see for myself first if it actually works or not. I'm sorry stoked about it because it seems like it will be fairly easy to follow and it has worked amazingly well for two of my family members.

I need support through this and will get some through the program but I'm hoping to find an accountability partner. The hardest part for me will be forcing myself to exercise.

I know I can handle the planning ahead and prepping stuff.

Hard will be giving up the convenience of eating out.

Hard will be giving up my selfishness and self reliance and instead depending on my true saviour and giving up my functional saviour.

Will you pray for me?

Will you drop me an email or text me and check on me and encourage me on this path?

I know I can do this. I know it's time.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

How true this verse is. On every level. In every way. In ALL things.

How blessed am I to be a child of God? How lucky am I to be redeemed?

I'll post a before pic soon.
