Monday, July 20, 2015

Old Habits Die Hard

So last week I was very I'll with a virus that had me running a fever for five days. Being down for the count I really only ate one meal a day and it was something I could, order in or get at a drive through. Not good.  I didn't gain any weight but I didn't lose any more either.  

I've hit the ground running hard core this week. 

I know everyone falls off the wagon sometimes but I'm seriously angry with myself.  I really hate that I continue to sin. I let the devil and his ideas creep in and just take over. 

Prayers appreciated. I can do this. Lord give me strength. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Thirty Days Into My New Life

It's been challenging. I've chosen to cheat a few times as I'm supposed to. I feel wonderful. I WANT to keep going!

Starting weight: 314
Current weight: 296
Goal weight: 175
Total lost: 18

I can do this. I am worth it.

Praise be to God for giving me the strength, will, and determination to do this. I am slowly but surely repairing His temple.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Vacations are hard on reading habits. Man Alive. I actually stayed pretty close two ox the three days but last night I have info a craving and ate potato chips. Tonight for dinner I had a burger and a shake. If have been okay without the shake. I'm feeling pretty ashamed of myself right now. Blah.

Father God forgive me for my sin. Give me the strength and the power of your will to do the right thing.

Tomorrow is a new day and I will get back to it hard core. I can do this.