Saturday, August 15, 2015

So Confusing

Well I weighed myself this morning. I was completely unsure what to expect. I've been following my eating plan to the letter. I've been hitting step goal every day. But my stress level has been high. Imagine my surprise when I had not only lost the 4.5lbs I gained back but then some! I've hit 25lbs lost. What!?!?

Starting weight: 314
Current weight: 289

My wedding ring should fit again soon!!!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Back Sliding

Wow. Who knew that putting your house up for sale would make you totally be ridiculous on your eating plan. Not this girl. I'm going to own it. I have been cheating quite often this past few weeks. I've eaten out. I've eaten dessert. I've not made good choices. I've gained 4.5 lbs back.

I've started anew today. I fell down. I could blame circumstances but it's my failure. I'm back on track and more determined than ever.

Still a big difference between day 1 and day 60.

I can do this with God's strength and not my own.