Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Reality Check

Well the first day was tough, I wanted so bad to stop for fast food on the way home because traffic was horrible and it was going to be after 6 before I got home. But I didn't. I was also craving salt/sweets hard core.  Spent some time in prayer about that.

So I weighed myself this morning, and was flooded with a great deal of shame and some grief. I've gained back all the weight I lost plus some. Prayed all the way to work for grace and peace to come to terms with my addiction and to put aside my functional savior.

Starting Weight: 320
Goal: 175

I can and will do this through the grace of God.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Time to Get Back on Track

I've been realizing for a while that I have just completely given up on eating well.  With the move, the issues with the new house, then the holidays, I kept putting off getting back on track.  All excuses.  All unacceptable. I need to take care of me. This is not my body, but God's temple and I've desecrated it.

I'm currently reading the book Thin Within (thanks Jenn Barrett) and I'm loving it. I'm hoping it gives me peace.

Vacation was a reality check for me and the plan even before then was to get back on track after vacation.  I don't fit in the exit row seats on an airplane.  The seat belts don't fit me. I have to have an extender. This is just plain unacceptable.  For my own sake, I need to take this weight off for good. I'm back on the plan which worked so well for me previously.  And I have a membership at Clay Madsen Rec Center and will be exercising there. Jenn B. has agreed to be my accountability partner. I need that.

I forgot to weigh this morning, but I know I'm back up over 300lbs.

Here we go!